Housing Cost Analysis Part 1: Mortgages and Interest

There are many articles describing rent vs buy comparison, as well as calculators that give you “rent is better” vs “buy is better” given certain inputs. However, in my opinion, the best way to analyze anything, is to first understand the basics, then analyze it without using calculators and tools you don’t understand. I will …

What’s the difference between APR and APY?

Savings accounts, loans, and various financial products will often express interest rate as APR or APY. They are very similar but describe subtly different things. APR APR stands for Annual Percentage Rate. This is the interest rate that is applied directly to the money. How often the interest is calculated, daily, weekly, monthly, or whatever …

Why Capital Gains is Important Even for Dividend Growth Investing!

The power of compound interest needs to be appreciated. “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it.” – Albert Einstein There are some people who love value stocks and invest for dividend growth. This is a totally sensible investing strategy. However, you …

How to invest your first $25k in 2019, by not investing

14% returns in a year is not easy. You need to put in effort, especially when the average US stock market goes up 10% a year with plenty of volatilty, +20% some years and -20% some other years. Why Savings Account are not optimal by themselvesThe good old savings account. If you put all $25k into a savings account, you …